This is a product of GC Factoring Ltd.


The time between paying for components and receiving payment for completed projects can be lengthy. Hold-ups restricting cash flow could affect the supply chain, halt production or see essential operational costs left delayed. It is time to take action and remove the need to wait for payments with invoice finance, the cash flow solution. 

With increasing competition, globalization, and raw materials that keep getting costlier, manufacturers have a lot of moving parts. While battling these challenges, customers want higher product quality—for a lesser price of course!
There is no need to be told that manufacturers need to connect their businesses with regular cash flow. Positive cash flow means smooth running operations and potential for growth. Negative means stagnation if not all-stop.

By providing essential cash flow for UK manufacturers, grenke ensures the financial leeway to focus on the production, efficiency and delivery of key products for the UK supply chain. grenke have a varied product range to suit any business, at any stage of cash flow issues. Over the last decade, grenke have worked with many clients from the manufacturing sectors and have accumulated best practice, helping solve issues of delayed payment, account management and credit limit reductions.

"Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It's coming up with ideas, testing principles and perfecting the engineering, as well as final assembly."

// James Dyson

Why grenke?

grenke provide up to 90% of invoices within 24 hours. This sets us apart from other providers. We release more capital for recruiters to use when it is needed most, NOW. We will work closely with you to ensure we can put facilities in place to remove the need to chase payments as soon as possible, whilst providing instant finance to cover the day-to-day operational costs.
Our approach to invoice finance offers dedicated Account Managers to support your business with its cash flow. No call centres, just one contact for your business. Our professional reminder service guides your debtors to pay within their payment terms and secure your business what it is owed. All whilst giving full access to the process with transparency on your invoice status via our highly-rated Portal. 


With customers waiting on supplies, the manufacturer knows the demand is high for their equipment. Now they have delayed components, they can issue their equipment but are still bound by 30-day payment terms for their customers. To keep production at its maximum and meet demand they look to factoring. The company sells its invoices and receive the invoice amount straight away. Offering the financial leeway to invest in resources, more components and operational costs.


An essential milling machine bites the dust. The workshop needs to obtain a new one that can take the strain of increased demand. Instead of investing a large capital cost, they look to lease, paying a fixed monthly instalment via a grenke Hire Agreement. Installing the machine improves their productivity and allows for an even greater order capacity.


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Popular products for Manufacturing

Still not entirely sure how we can help you? Learn about specific products that release cash into your business or allow you to make key investments whilst keeping capital where it belongs - in your business.

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