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Are you looking for a simple explanation of a lease, quick access to our Go Partner Portal, or do you want information on the return of your equipment? Our Reseller Toolkit is here - compact and for hand-held use.
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| Basics

Let us start with the basics on leasing. Everything your sales team need to offer a lease, support their customer and develop their sales pipelines, all through leasing.


| Customer Support

Information and education is the key to the best leasing experience. Placing the customer service at the start ensures a smooth journey for your customer and your business.

Customer Care

Ensure your customer is aware of the support they have from Grenke. Our Customer Portal offers every piece of information relevant to their lease. Access to contract details, payment information and invoices. If they have any questions or need more support during their lease, our Customer Care Hub is here to offer more advice on all areas of their lease. 


| FAQs

We want to ensure every aspect of working with grenke is crystal clear. Here are some of the questions that we have answered for all our reseller partners.

// A document fee, also known as a documentation fee or processing fee, is the charge associated with the administrative costs of preparing and processing the paperwork for the hire agreement or lease contract. This fee covers the expenses involved in documenting and finalsing the agreement, such as paperwork, verification, and administrative tasks.  It is important for lessees to review the terms and conditions of the agreement carefully to understand any additional fees, including the document fee.

// If the Customer gives notice within the 90 day notice period to cease the lease at the end of the Primary Period, the Customer will be responsible for returning the Equipment to grenke [and/or the Reseller]. grenke will issue a Title Invoice to the Reseller. Once paid, Ownership [Title] returns to the Reseller. 

// grenke take responsible lending seriously. We will consider both established and developing businesses, taking care to ensure any businesses applying for a lease are not over extended financially. We consider all requests and do not autoscore, our requests are reviewed manually. Our Team will run a credit report with our financial provider, confirming the customer has a positive report and business accounts. We consider whether the Equipment and Lease are reasonable and appropriate for the Customer. Speak to our Sales team for more information on Credit approval. 

// Once the Hire Agreement is active [where all signatures and documentation have been received including the Confirmation of Delivery], grenke will issue a Welcome Pack. With instruction from the Customer, the Reseller will inform grenke via the GO Partner Portal whether the Welcome Pack should be sent via email or post. The Welcome Pack includes:

  1. A Welcome Letter with clear instructions on the requirement of insurance and their access to the Customer Portal
  2. A copy of the Hire Agreement and Addendums
  3. All initial invoices including an Insurance Invoice [this will be credited should the Customer provide information and evidence of their own insurance].
  4. A Customer Journey Flyer

// In accordance with the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement, the Customer is required to insure the equipment. They can either insure the equipment themselves, or as many of our customers decide to do, they can use grenke’s cover at a competitive premium.

If they prefer to take out their own insurance, they must provide us with evidence of self-insurance to [email protected] within 4 weeks of their Lease activation. Either:

  • a copy of their current insurance policy which shows their company’s name, insurer, insurance policy number and the contents page showing sufficient cover for the leased items.
  • a letter from their insurance company / broker which details their insurance cover and notes grenke’s interest in the leased items.

We include an invoice for our annual insurance cover (pro-rated for agreements taken out after 1 January) in the Customers Welcome Pack, which will automatically commence if we haven’t received the specified evidence of self-insurance within the 4 week timeframe.

// It is important that Customers activate their Customer Portal as this gives them full access to all the documentation associated with their lease including their invoices. Should they wish to change any details or issue their invoices automatically to their emails, this can all be completed on their Customer Portal. 

// The Customer will receive a Reminder Letter from our Administration Team. Should the customer ignore actions outlined in the Letter, they will receive further Reminder Notices and eventually a Termination Notice will be issued. Our Collections Team manage the process with the Customer. Should the Agreement be terminated, grenke may choose to take legal action.

It is important that Resellers ensure the Customers are aware that if there is an issue with the equipment to contact the Resellers Service Team and not withhold payment from grenke.

// The Customer will need to contact grenke 90 days before the end of the Primary Period to terminate the Lease. If the Customer does not give notice, they will continue to pay for the use of the Equipment.

We would expect the Reseller to contact their Customer before the end of the Lease to arrange a suitable upgrade and potential new lease with grenke.

// A member of our Sales Team will visit you whilst you are onboarding with grenke. They will show you the full functionalities of the Portal and the step by step process you can follow with your Customer.  You will be given a User Guide to keep and our team will be on hand to navigate your first Offers, Proposals and Agreements through the Portal.

// Our teams regularly offer Reports to our Reseller partners which outline their active leases with grenke, their invoices, and any sales commissions. Our Sales Team are regularly in contact with all our Resellers to streamline and support the continued success of the partnerships. 

// The refresh of out of date Equipment when the Lease is in the final months is an additional sale that resellers can place firmly in their sales pipeline, and calendars. Before you approach the customer, Resellers can confirm a new rental payment per month for brand new Equipment. Request the termination sum from grenke, add the cost of the new equipment and with your grenke rates determine the figure to present to your Customer. It could only be another £5 per month??

| MORE ON...

grenke looks beyond our four walls and offers our reseller partners a view of the Leasing Industry including an introduction to those actively using the Leasing Sales Model.


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